Cannabis has always been linked to human history: archaeologists have discovered that cannabis was already grown by humans 10,000 years ago, as soon as agriculture appeared. Its use as a material goes back to the Neolithic age in Asia, for the construction of dwellings, the realization of fabrics or ropes. In North Africa, India, the Middle East, it is used during shamanic ceremonies or in the pharmacopoeia of many tribes of antiquity.
We then find traces of Cannabis use in the Middle Ages, where Sufis consume during their mystical practices. His praises are sung in the novel “The artificial paradises” by Charles Baudelaire and other artists from Paris to the Belle Epoque. In modern times, it is the members of the Jamaican Rastafarian religious movement who are popularizing it again, using it in their meditation practices … but has it ever really lost its popularity in history? Its historical success undoubtedly lies in the fact that the plant offers multiple applications by its composition.
Cannabis for medical use in humans
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, cannabis has been penalized worldwide, with a few exceptions. But today it is coming out of the shadows: beyond its consumption for recreational purposes, which is another debate, medicinal cannabis is being decriminalized in certain European countries, North and South America. The laws are evolving in many countries even if controversies remain.
In the USA, the legality of cannabinol is still very vague, because of different laws in different states. As far as Europe is concerned, the different products (leaf, oil, electronic cigarette liquid, pasta, food supplement, etc.) containing CBD are therefore authorized as long as their THC content remains below 0.2%.
It must be said that science is interested in its medicinal virtues and studies it … as far as possible! Indeed, scientific research remains difficult in many countries because the plant is still illegal and the use of samples must be endorsed by government authorities. An obstacle course for scientists interested in the product. In countries that have legalized it, we study the effect of cannabis in humans on the following pathologies:
Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a major neurodegenerative disease of the eye, due to an increase in intraocular pressure. However, according to the latest studies on this subject, it seems that a treatment with cannabinoids has the capacity to reduce this pressure. Other studies are underway to find out whether the use of the plant can play a neuro-protective role for patients with this disease.
Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite: Cannabis has emetic (anti-emetic) effects that are currently studied on patients treated with chemotherapy. The lack of appetite, characteristic of chemotherapy, is also treated by the administration of cannabis in an experimental setting.
Pain and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Because it modifies the signals received in the nervous system, cannabis is studied in the treatment of chronic pain. Its compound, CBD has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can play a beneficial role in inflammatory bowel disease.
Other applications: Studies are currently being conducted on the use of therapeutic cannabis in the case of epileptic disorders, anorexia or anxiety disorders.
Finally, it should be mentioned that hemp oil provides a large number of nutrients such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, E.
CBD oil for dogs?

While it is undeniable that the studies conducted so far are very promising, we can not yet say that CBD oil is the miracle product for our pets. It must be said that the market is booming: with a business that weighs several billion dollars, new industrial therapeutic cannabis have a bright future ahead.

And with spending on pets that have tripled for twenty years (50 billion euros last year), we can understand that the market for cannabinol for our little protected sharpens commercial appetites.
In conclusion, the CBD is “the next big thing,” as Bruce Linton, CEO of Canopy Growth Corporation, says: The next big business opportunity. It certainly offers great prospects in the field of natural therapies for both humans and dogs. But caution is the mother of safety: let science have the time to pursue its research before giving in to the sirens marketing green gold.